11 une 2022 music through the season charity concert Charity concert organized by MYSO was a success. Kudos to the MYSO Members, MANIPAL students and others for their great effort to make this event a success.
3 september 2022 close the care gap seminar Nurse Chong represented Hospis Melaka to give a talk on Nursing in Oncology - Palliative Care which was organized by NCSM. the seminar was conducted in manipal university college melaka.
11 September 2022 gotong royong in Pcu hospital melaka members of hospis melaka and pcu team working together to beautify the environment making it conducive for the patients
1 October 2022 world hospice and palliative care day celebrating world hospice and palliative care day in hospital rembau with most of the hospice groups in malaysia. the event was officiated by minister of health, yb khairy jamaluddin. the event was well organized and every participants had a great time
others 1 July 2022, pn. rahmawati joined hospis melaka. the timing is perfect as the number of patients registered in the hospis at home programme was increasing gradually.